

Day 16: Île petit Logoden to Arazon

I’m afraid a failed waterproof case has killed my phone so until I get a replacement I’m writing from cyber cafes and there won’t be any photos.

After the thunderstorm had passed, I dozed a little but awoke feeling tired. The day was calm and I floated in the still waters to wake myself up. The storm had created a collage of clouds, grey wisps mixed with mackerel sky and fluffy white clouds.

swimming gulf de morbihan

Wanting to spend longer in the Morbihan, I decided to spend the day exploring. I paddled over to Île-aux-moines and spent most of the day walking around the island in search of food. I picked blackberries and watched people working on the oyster beds.

Wasp spider, Argiope bruennichi
Wasp spider, Argiope bruennichi

I never like to camp for 2 nights in the same place. So at 6.30 I left the island and paddled into the evening sun. The tide was still flooding but I didn’t mind. Going slower just meant I had longer to take in the views. The only sounds that could be heard were my paddle in the water and the calls of birds.

sunset morbihan golden sky
Ile petit Logoden

The light started to fade as I passed Port Navalo, the flashes of navigation buoys now visible. Sounds of laughter and clinking glasses drifted across the harbour from a brightly lit bar and I felt blissfully serene.

A yacht sailed past and I wished I could follow it and paddle into the night. Instead, I headed in towards Arzon marina and pitched my tent on a beach infested with sand fleas. I’m glad they don’t bite.

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