

Day 61: Il Falone to Marina di Salivoli

There’s something liberating about running around, dancing and jumping in the sea whilst being naked. Just not when other people are about.

I felt a bit weak in the morning, so came in to San Vincenzo and cooked up a big feast to put some energy back in. My staples at the moment are eggs, olive oil and almonds, but for lunch I had beef mince with blue cheese and pesto followed by Greek yogurt with cream. High fat foods with lots of calories that shouldn’t spike my blood sugar levels.

Today was day 7 and I’m due a rest day, but a week of strong southerly winds is coming, so my plan is to push on until then, and then rest if they materialise. Looking back at my first week in France, I had a lot of assistance – strong tides and winds pushing me along. So far, every one of the 280 kms I’ve paddled this week has been 100% me. Considering this, I think I’m doing well.

I’d been paddling along this sandy bay for hours, and it was getting boring, so the change of scenery was welcome when I reached the next section of cliffs. Swallows were swopping above me in the evening sun and the undergrowth buzzed with insects.

I came in to the bay at Marina di Salivoli and a man raking the sand between deck chairs reluctantly agreed to let me leave my boat with the other kayaks. No one notices a boat next to other boats.

Not much l was happening in this town. A group of bored teenagers were congregated in a car park on their mopeds smoking cigarettes and throwing water ballons at each other. I practised my Italian with them until they all zoomed off to cause trouble in Piombino.


A pretty perfect day. Levemir set at 7 in the evening, 3 in the morning and just a unit or two with each low carb meal.

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