Month: July 2022
Day 74: Miseno to Posillipo (Naples)
When my sugar levels go high I wouldn’t say I feel awful, I’m just subpar – it’s a bit like a hangover or the last few days of a cold. The worst thing is knowing that I’m damaging my body – over time high sugars lead to nerve damage, loss of sight, heart problems, the…
Day 73: Gaeta to Miseno
It’s so hot at night that a sleeping bag hasn’t been necessary. I just lie on my roll mat inside the liner of my tent, which keeps the mozzies out, but even with this set up it’s sweltering. When I went for a swim in the night to cool off, the water around me exploded…
Day 72: Tor Canneto to Gaeta
I slept next to my boat on the beach and had a laid-back morning sitting under a parasol gifted to me by the deckchair mafia, probably because they felt sorry for me cooking in the sun. Late as usual, my one-time K2 partner and Waterside series nemesis Will Scammell appeared on the beach with his…
Day 71: Rio Martino to Tor Canneto
Just as I was making preparations for sleep a man approached me cautiously, as if I was some kind of wild animal, and told me this was a dangerous beach to sleep on. It was deserted and seemed fine to me, but I still slept a little restlessly. In the morning I raced to write…